Since 2019, Vitalife has been a leader in full body cleansing. The Movat Method combines a program of Colonics, Implants, Enemas and Home Cleanse Kits.
Deep Cleaning
Our program improves the overall health of your body, clears out waste, and balances your gut bacteria levels and pH—helping prevent harmful bacteria from growing, enhancing gut flora. You will feel the difference, and the results will speak for themselves.
Aside from colonics, implants and enemas, we use traditional Chinese medicine, enzyme-based home kits from Zencleanz. They are nutrient rich, fermented enzymes, that deliver what your body needs to effectively participate in phases 1, 2 and 3 of the initial cleaning phase. The cleanses are easy to use, and consistently give our clients lasting results.
These cleanses reboot and restore your body’s critical systems. You may choose to use their enzymes every day as part of a lifestyle or just simply do some cleanses over time. Detox (a word we don’t like to overuse) is not something that is done twice a year, but you chip away at it every day. That is how we can support our bodies in their natural detox process and live a full, happy, and energized life.
Supporting Detox Organs
Supporting organ detox using our method can help effectively clear congestion, enhance blood and lymph flow, improve your body’s ability to eliminate waste, and facilitate the delivery of nutrients to your tissues.
Sluggish or blocked drainage pathways of the colon, will start a decline in your overall health. From skin issues, to unexplained chronic issues, and a steady downward spiral that layers health issues just like old wallpaper.
Think of the body as a living plant. What might happen when there’s a lot of congestion and nutrient-rich water can’t reach the roots – or waste can’t be cleared away? The plant won’t receive the nourishment it needs to thrive, and the buildup of waste and decay at the roots can attract pests and encourage rot. Left untreated, the plant might wither, and it’s possible it won’t resemble the flourishing organism it once was.
Gentle cleansing of your tissues helps open your body’s systems, making it easier to enhance delivery of your nutrients and keep you feeling (and looking) your best!
Body Messages
Our bodies are designed to communicate with us when overloaded with toxic waste – we just may not be listening. Over toxification happens to all of us when harmful substances accumulate in the body. Due to poor diet, environmental pollutants, or unhealthy lifestyle choices – toxin accumulation impairs organ function, weakens the immune system, and increases the risk of chronic diseases.
Here are some of the clues your body may give you when burdened with a heavy load of toxins, just to name a few:
- Constipation or diahhrea (chronic inconsistent bowel movements)
- Anxiety/depression
- Brain fog / headaches
- Frequent urination / lack of urination
- Chronic skin conditions / psoriasis / constant breakouts
- Bloating and swelling (IBS)
- Joint pain
- Food intolerances / GERD / Acid Reflux
- Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
Our Cleaning Method
A note from Jody: If anyone else is using this method, they would have trained in our clinic. This method was created in the clinic using my personal detox experience and testing of this process of colonics in combination with ZenCleanz products. There was no such method before 2019.
Our method follows a gradual process of steps designed to deliver results over time. Depending on your health condition when you start, you may need to revisit certain steps as you progress. We believe it’s more beneficial to repeat steps when needed, rather than rushing through them, which could result in unwanted outcomes.
Some people may need to toggle differently between steps, depending on their health situation when they begin the program. We can help you determine the best approach for you. No two humans are alike.
Below, you’ll find our suggested routine, organized in the order that tends to be most effective for addressing a variety of concerns.

1st Step: Cleaning the Large Intestine (Colonics / Enemas)
This step is crucial for preparing the body. It is important to open your central drainage point (colon) before targeting other organs. Cleaning / detoxing out of order can lead to severe symptoms, or what we call die off reactions. These can be uncomfortable and / or scary and can push some clients to give up on their program.
Researchers and medical providers still don’t fully understand die off or Herxheimer reactions, but they have a theory. Bacteria dying off and releasing toxins can cause the body to have an inflammatory response.
No one dies from these reactions, but they can leave you feeling like you don’t want to continue. We work slow and steady because we want you to feel your best during detox. We systematically clean the pathways starting with the colon (large intestine) and working our way up through the body to achieve long lasting results.
Supporting your cleanse program: If you’re not ready for colonics or visiting the clinic is not an option, enemas at home are a great option. Speak to us about how to prepare and administer an enema at home.
2nd Step: Upper GI Cleaning (ONE Kit)
The next step is to address the upper GI (from the esophagus through the small intestine). The ONE kit removes mucoid plaque and other debris from the intestines. With every layer you remove, you will have fewer abdominal disturbances, food sensitivities, and immune system issues, and you will enhance absorption of nutrients you consume.
This step can be challenging. Many of us may experience uncomfortable or even painful die-off symptoms at this stage, such as headaches, nausea, breakouts, swollen lymph nodes, and others. What took years to accumulate will require time to break down and eliminate. This phase of the process isn’t usually a one-time fix for most people, so we may recommend you repeat it more than once. Now that you’ve begun, it’s important to keep moving forward!
What I discovered with this step (x3) is that it helped repair the balance my system pretty quickly, which in turn allowed me to significantly reduce the number of supplements I had been taking in an effort to restore balance.
What is Mucoid Plaque?
Mucoid plaque is what covers the lining of your intestines and stops you from absorbing your nutrients. We only ever talk about plaque in regards to the teeth and heart… but plaque is something that covers your entire landscape. It simply must be removed to achieve a healthier you. I’ve not found anything better, yet… to get this job done.

What we have learned through our treatments, is that the entire lining of the intestines becomes compromised due to the storage of unprocessed materials like dead cells, mucus, undigested food, other microbes (parasites). Zencleanz ONE is designed to bind to this waste, clear it from the small intestine, and promote better secretion of essential enzymes allowing for better nutrient absorption. I have personally experienced this and I have seen hundreds of other people get desirable results.
NOTE: The ZenCleanz 3-year fermentation process eliminates the potential for allergic reactions and sugar spikes.
3rd Step: Gallbladder-Liver Flush (FORGIVE)
An essential part of detoxification is taking care to ensure your gallbladder-liver function is strong enough to optimize the absorption of nutrients and neutralize toxins. This 3rd step in our method involves flushing the liver-gallbladder meridians, helping to purge gallstones, liver flukes, accumulated fats, and more.
For many people, pH balance in their tissues is too acidic, creating the perfect environment for pathogenic overgrowth. Alkaline diets, mineral-rich water and stress management are foundational approaches to balancing your pH. Even those who live a balanced and healthy lifestyle sometimes still suffer from imbalances, resulting in pathogenic overgrowth (SIBO, parasitic infections, etc.), IBS, food intolerances, autoimmune flares, and chronic skin conditions.
By opening the gallbladder-liver meridians, you achieve better bile flow thus increasing metabolization of dietary fats – essential for gut and brain health, cellular metabolization, hormone production, etc., and neutralization of fat-soluble toxins.
Warning: Gallbladder-liver flushing is NOT for the faint of heart. We may suggest to you that you are not ready for this step, or you may decide to stop after attempting your first flush. We will not lie to you – gallbladder-liver flushes are explosive and sometimes painful. In rare cases – gallstones can get lodged in the bile ducts, and this can lead to vomiting or even hospitalization. If a practitioner doesn’t warn you about the possibility of negative outcomes during a flush, they may not be the best to guide you through a detox process.
Moving on…
4th Step: Blood and Lymph Cleanse (FLOW)
This kit jazzes you up!
Blood is a vital fluid that transports oxygen and nutrients to cells, removes waste, and helps regulate body temperature, pH levels, and fluid balance. ZenCleanz FLOW supports the cleansing of blood vessels by breaking down substances that contribute to plaque buildup and inflammation in the lymphatic system. This system, which includes lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, the spleen, thymus, and tonsils, is responsible for managing the internal waste produced by our cells.
Unlike the blood, which circulates through the body with the help of the heart, lymph relies on body movements to flow. While blood takes only minutes to circulate, lymph can take up to a day or more. The natural enzymes of the FLOW cleanse help break down mucus and cleanse the lymph nodes, promoting better circulation in both the lymphatic system and blood.
Toxins and pathogens are not confined to the gut. Unfortunately, for many, the body’s protective barrier systems weaken due to chronic stress and toxicity allowing harmful substances to spread throughout the body. If you think about the function of the liver, it cleans and circulates blood. Our bodies were simply not designed to handle the levels of toxins we now encounter daily.
So what happens now? Our organs, blood, and lymph have to store these toxins instead of eliminate them. The FLOW kit can be used as a “palette cleanser” in-between cleanses or as a stand-alone for targeting flow and lymphatic movement. Simply quite energizing. A fun one to try!
We want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on doing this work. At this stage, you may have been cleansing for 4 months or more. However long it takes, be patient with the process. Regardless, if you are here, you should be feeling physically, emotionally and spiritually clearer.
This is a journey that we are taking together and we encourage you to continue.
5th & 6th Step: Continuing the process
If you have made your way through the steps above, you should be eager to continue! Most of our clients realize the importance and benefits of internal cleaning after completing their very first cleanse.
If you have chronic skin issues like psoriasis, allergies or asthma, chronic cough, sinus problems, or unexplained body odor, below are two cleanses to consider next.
To support and enhance your overall health program, ADD these two bad boys.
Cleansing your lungs can offer several health benefits, especially in today’s environment where pollution, smoking, allergens, and other harmful particles can negatively affect respiratory health. Don’t forget that oxygen is life and the lungs absorb fresh oxygen, discharge carbon dioxide, and exhaust gas from the body.
Cold symptoms are a usual outcome of this cleanse. Symptoms can include, runny nose, sore throat, cough and headache.
The kidneys play a crucial role in filtering waste and toxins from the blood, balancing fluid levels, and regulating essential functions in the body. They can lose their power to play this role over time and cleansing them can only make them work better.
Blocked kidney pathways can lead to kidney dialysis.
Need support?
We are here for you as a starting point, but we may not always be available for lengthy question and answer periods.
Add yourself to the Zencleanz Telegram group. They respond to questions quickly if you need answers while cleansing and people from all walks of life, all over the world are accessible there.