Why probiotic enemas?
Receiving a dose of probiotics via enema assures the direct placement of beneficial bacteria exactly where you need it! The presence of probiotic bacteria (good bacteria), in the body, are crucial in achieving overall health and wellness.
Probiotic enemas are the most effective way to assure good bacteria are successfully arriving at, and repopulating in the areas of the body that thrive off of their presence.
Consequences or signs you lack enough good bacteria can include: digestive issues, allergies, mental health problems, obesity, and more.
Benefits of the Probiotic Enema

- Boost Immune System – A common side effect of too much bad bacteria are frequent illness such as colds and flus. Incorporate probiotics orally or through enemas, and minimize the potential for bad bacteria to grow. Good bacteria reduces the likelihood and occurrence of illness.
- Improve Digestion – A sluggish digestive system can involve a variety of symptoms such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and indigestion. The incorporation of probiotic bacteria into the digestive system can significantly improve digestive discomforts.
- Better State of Mind – The connection between the gut and the brain is strong! If bacteria levels are within proper range there is rarely any significant onset of extreme emotion. When gut bacteria are out of balance, emotional outbursts, depression, and chronic fatigue are more likely to occur.
- Rid the body of candida – Candida is an overgrowth of yeast in the body. The body naturally has some yeast, but when its presence is abundant, the body can experience a multitude of side effects such as fatigue, digestive issues, and frequent colds and flus.
- Increase Energy – One of the side effects of having too much bad bacteria in the digestive system is the presence of Dysbiosis. In this case, flooding the colon with beneficial bacteria can cause a surge in energy levels. (*Dysbiosis: microbial imbalance or maladaptation on or inside the body.)
Probiotic enema retention
Probiotic enemas are retained for 20-30 minutes. During this time the probiotic bacteria plant themselves into the colon wall.
Consistent incorporation and re-population of the beneficial bacteria are crucial for may reasons. Here are just a few:
- The pace, practices, and habits in today’s current society are harmful to our bodies.
- High stress, poor diet choices, and use of antibiotics promote growth of harmful bacteria that wipe out good bacteria.
- Without a significant amount of beneficial bacteria, the body falls vulnerable to possible imbalances, illnesses, and diseases.
Probiotics help balance friendly bacteria in your digestive system
Probiotics include “good” bacteria. These are live microorganisms that can provide health benefits when consumed. Probiotics restore the natural balance of gut bacteria.
Probiotics through fermented foods and supplements
The location that probiotics need to get to is the digestive system. Yes! Food and supplements are viable options and seem to work for most people. But, if your body is not absorbing well, then the probiotic enema is a reasonable next step. As mentioned earlier, receiving a dose of probiotics via enema assures a direct placement of the beneficial bacteria exactly where you need it!