Lose weight and keep it off!
To lose weight and keep it off, you have to believe in what you are doing – and you have to do it for the right reasons. If you’re not ready to change your habits, then trying a new routine of any kind will not work.
- Set small, reachable goals – be specific and realistic when setting your goals. Baby steps = longevity!
- Start self-monitoring – keep a daily food journal.
- Find a support network – share your food journal with us, so we can support you and help you make small changes along the way.
- Exercise – commit to a minimum of 20 mins daily. A simple walk is a good starting point.
- Sleep – Get 6-8 hours of sleep.
- Eat breakfast — slowly and mindfully — every morning.
- Turn off that screen! Monitor and modify your screen time. It’s not good for brain function or stress levels.
It’s never too late to start
Our bodies can heal themselves. It’s how we are made. Don’t self sabotage losing weight because you think it’s too late in life to start. Long term health goals can be made and met at any age, but losing weight and keeping it off takes time.
Some of the benefits of sticking to the plan are:
- Avoiding chronic illnesses like diabetes and fatty liver
- Lowering blood pressure
- Correcting cholesterol issues
- Reducing inflammation and chronic pain
- Living an active and happy life
Protein, Fats, Carbs – don’t give them up!

Macronutrients like proteins, fats, and carbs are necessary fuels for the body.
Tip: Eat them all in moderation and make sure none of these are processed. Losing weight and keeping it off requires moderation and balance of whole and non-processed foods.
Processed and fast foods do not give you fuel. They give your taste buds pleasure and provide a momentary sugar boost, but this boost can have long lasting, very negative effects.
Focus on whole and non-processed foods as much as possible.
Counting calories?
Calorie counting works… but it’s time consuming and overly cumbersome – and don’t fool yourself about the type of calories you are putting in. Watching your added sugar intake is probably the better way to start. Limiting it to 25 grams daily will help you shed some pounds quickly… let me know how that goes!
Workouts? Don’t overdo it!
You don’t need a six-pack to be happy. Working out too much increases the stress on your body which increases cortisol, triggering weight gain, belly fat, and inflammation. If you’ve been going to the gym every day, you might think about 2 days on 1 day off. Your body needs time to rest and heal. Try to diversify your exercise routine. Weights, cardio, yoga, pilates, or simply going for a walk. Diversifying and moderation is key.
Losing weight and keeping it off
You will be surprised how quickly your body starts changing if you set simple goals and reachable targets.
Follow your newly set intentions 75-80% of the time, and you will start losing weight and you will keep it off!
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