Good habits are key when tackling a weight loss program. Don’t rely solely on a new gym membership to deal with weight gain because you will only be disappointed. Achieving total success requires a good look at your food choices, and a thorough cleaning of your intestines… large and small.
I just can’t get this weight off!
If you have been trying to lose weight, and it just won’t come off – start with a visit Vitalife for colonics! Starting with a cleanse, sets you up for success. We will educate you on how to set good habits for weight loss, clean your colon to remove unwanted waste matter, which in turn, will reset your mind and your body. Cleansing connects your mind and body, and assists your gut with elimination, ultimately helping you trim those unwanted and stubborn pounds.
I probably should join a gym
Don’t feel pressure to join a gym. Simply getting up from your desk and taking a 20-30 minute walk every day will do wonders for your waistline. Same applies if you work from home. Put aside 20-30 minutes each day to reflect, rejuvenate, reset.
Foods you can eat
Increase your whole food intake to 3/4 of your plate.
Whole foods are plant foods that are NOT processed and refined. Examples of whole foods include vegetables (anything you want – and as much as you want), whole grains, tubers, legumes, and fruits. Essentially, anything “fiber” that doesn’t come in a box or a bag! DO NOT remove fruit from your food list. Contrary to what you may believe about sugar intake, fruit sugars are naturally occurring. Fruit heals and is an integral part of any healthy lifestyle choice.
Reduce your portions of protein to 1/4 of your plate or 12 ozs weekly. Cutting back on protein helps clear stored fats from the body. We need to give our liver/gallbladder duo a break sometimes so that they can properly break down what’s already there.
Chew your proteins well. This little tip sounds silly, but it starts the digestive process in the mouth. Our oral enzymes are an important part of our digestion process. If we don’t chew, we can’t activate our natural enzymes.
Stock up on frozen fruit and vegetables if this is easier for you or less expensive. They are fast frozen, so they still keep the majority of their goodness, they are less expensive, and right at your fingertips for emergencies.
Grocery shopping tip – Shop the outer edge of your supermarket – AVOID the inner isles.
Foods to avoid
Steer clear of refined sugars, highly processed foods, deep fried, and fast foods. I probably didn’t have to tell you this, but in case you don’t know why, these foods are not recognized by the body as something it can absorb. They have no nutritive value and won’t manifest anything positive for you. They have no relationship to practicing “good habits for healthy weight loss”.
Food prep
Take your lunch to work, save money, and cook most of your meals at home. Knowing what’s in your food is extremely important when shedding pounds. Check your labels and know your ingredients! The great thing about whole foods is… they don’t have labels! Or, at least they shouldn’t. If you’re shopping organic as you should for the most part, look for stickers that start with #9. #3’s and #4’s are dangerous to your health. A story for another time.

You will be surprised how quickly your body starts changing if you set simple standards for yourself and reachable targets.
Follow your newly set intentions 75-80% of the time, and you’ll lose that weight that’s been haunting you for far too long.
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