Colon Hydrotherapy Toronto – Vitalife Colonics Toronto Fri, 03 Jan 2025 15:26:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Colon Hydrotherapy Toronto – Vitalife 32 32 Parasites Thu, 02 Jan 2025 13:00:00 +0000 Identifying Parasites Identifying specific parasites infections is difficult at best. Available tests in Canada prove to be less than accurate, and protocols for solving the issue of parasites generally involves antibiotics. Can you say “pesticide.” That’s essentially what antibiotics are. What? No one has ever said that to you? Well, why would they. By definition, a pesticide is a substance used to kill, repel, or control certain forms of plant or animal life that are considered to be pests. Diagnostics Methods If a parasitic infection is suspected, several diagnostic methods can help confirm it: Varieties Below are some fascinating slides that showcase the wide variety of living organisms that humans often carry. Symptoms Too many to list, but most commonly a parasitic infection can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, muscle pain, chronic cough, skin lesions, malnutrition, […]

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Identifying Parasites

Identifying specific parasites infections is difficult at best. Available tests in Canada prove to be less than accurate, and protocols for solving the issue of parasites generally involves antibiotics. Can you say “pesticide.” That’s essentially what antibiotics are. What? No one has ever said that to you? Well, why would they.

By definition, a pesticide is a substance used to kill, repel, or control certain forms of plant or animal life that are considered to be pests.

Diagnostics Methods

If a parasitic infection is suspected, several diagnostic methods can help confirm it:

  • Imaging Tests: In some cases, imaging techniques such as ultrasounds or CT scans are used to identify parasitic cysts or lesions within the body.
  • Stool Tests: These tests examine stool samples for eggs or larvae and are commonly used to diagnose intestinal parasites.
  • Blood Tests: Certain blood tests detect antibodies produced in response to specific parasites, often used to diagnose conditions like malaria.


Below are some fascinating slides that showcase the wide variety of living organisms that humans often carry.


Too many to list, but most commonly a parasitic infection can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, muscle pain, chronic cough, skin lesions, malnutrition, weight loss, neurological and many other symptoms depending on the particular organism and burden of infection. 

How do you contract a parasitic infection?

Food, water, soil, insects, person to person contact, blood transfusion or sharing needles, bare foot around pool deck and in public showers, shaking hands, and lets not forget our PETS! Letting pets lick your face is a surefire way to let those pesky parasites in.

Foodborne parasites most commonly come from:

  • undercooked fish, crabs, and mollusks;
  • undercooked meat;
  • raw aquatic plants, such as watercress; and
  • raw vegetables that have been contaminated by human or animal feces.

Some foods are contaminated by food service workers who practice poor hygiene or who work in unsanitary facilities. Always wash your fruit and vege well. Soap and water is perfectly fine, but some prefer to use products made specially for food prep.

For proteins, the cooking process generally takes care of anything that may be harmful.

Holiday advice? Don’t eat anything raw.

Sugar Cravings

Did you know that unwanted guests can also cause sugar cravings? It’s true – and if you heed those cravings you can fall victim to a whole host of other symptoms associated with a high-sugar diet. You’ll also be giving the parasites the energy they need to proliferate in your body, making your troubles much worse.

Still don’t think parasites are a big deal? Think again – check out this video! NOTE: VERY GRAPHIC!

Chronic Illness

Have you been struggling with chronic issues that no one can pinpoint? Chances are, you may be providing a physical home to some of these critters. They can wreak havoc on your body functions, sleep, elimination, natural detox capabilities, not to mention, they literally steal your nutrients!

Hygiene Practices

As if we haven’t heard this enough… wash your hands! Keeping our hands clean is so important because our hands touch our faces more times in a day than we can count. Soap and water for handwashing is your best bet for keeping yourself in good health.

Hand Sanitizer? It’s best to use it only when soap and water are not available. Hand sanitizers can weaken our natural barrier, leaving us more vulnerable.


Once you determine you actually have parasites, then you must carefully consider dietary choices, cleanse the colon, the upper GI tract, and the liver continuously until those pesky buggers decide to leave. Consider doing parasite cleanses seasonally. Minimum protocol usually takes about 3 months (with full dedication to the task) but, can take much longer.

Antibiotics and Parasites

Medically, parasites would be treated with antibiotics. Sadly, the side effects from overuse of antibiotics can be more serious than the infection itself, and the infection generally doesn’t go away. Side effects include Clostridioides difficile infection (also called C. difficile or C. diff), which causes diarrhea that can lead to severe colon damage and in severe cases, death.

Antibiotics fight infections caused by bacteria in humans and animals by either killing the bacteria or making it difficult for the bacteria to grow and multiply. We call this “the kill method”. We do not believe that kill methods are always the best, especially in the case of parasites. Slow and steady wins the parasite race.

Controlling parasites is best done by balancing your gut bacteria levels, and balancing gut bacteria levels takes a lot of patience and a lot of work.

Colonics and Parasites

However you choose to go to battle, seek help from a professional and make sure you book in with your colon therapist. Elimination is essential when taking proactive measures against parasites! Either in the clinic or by using at home solutions, elimination is key to a successful parasite cleanse routine.

Book your appointment for a consult and a colon cleanse.

Other Cleanses and Liquid Enzymes we would recommend in connection with a parasite cleanse.

ZenCleanz Kits: ONE, FORGIVE


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Holiday Tips for Digestive Care Sat, 14 Dec 2024 17:19:22 +0000 Digestive Care for the Holidays Holiday digestive care… ’tis the season!  The holidays are just around the corner and we know what that means… parties galore!  Although these occasions are joyous, they can lead to over-indulgence and stress – and neither are good for your digestion! Good digestive health is important in order to extract nutrients from food to be used as fuel for our bodies, and to eliminate toxins from the body. Eat, drink, and be merry – but still take care of your body!   Tips to get you through! Drink plenty of water Hydration helps the body stay energized and eliminate toxins. Alternating a festive cocktail with a glass of water is a great way to help the body flush toxins out and prevent cellular dehydration. For an extra boost, add fresh lemon […]

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Digestive Care for the Holidays

Holiday digestive care… ’tis the season!  The holidays are just around the corner and we know what that means… parties galore!  Although these occasions are joyous, they can lead to over-indulgence and stress – and neither are good for your digestion!

Good digestive health is important in order to extract nutrients from food to be used as fuel for our bodies, and to eliminate toxins from the body.

Eat, drink, and be merry – but still take care of your body!  

Tips to get you through!

Drink plenty of water

Hydration helps the body stay energized and eliminate toxins. Alternating a festive cocktail with a glass of water is a great way to help the body flush toxins out and prevent cellular dehydration. For an extra boost, add fresh lemon juice to your water and drink before your meals. This helps stimulate the digestive process and support elimination of toxins more efficiently.


Potlucks, parties, and family dinners make it very easy to over-indulge and eat larger meals than we’re used to. Fill your plate with more vegetables than protein so you can enjoy the meal and not have to deal with the post-meal bloat – and don’t go back for seconds!

Eat mindfully and slowly so your digestion keeps up with your hunger. Plowing through your first helping and taking a second is just simply asking for digestive trouble.

Mind the dessert table!

Who doesn’t want dessert? Really? We’re all human and it’s completely natural to want to indulge this time of year when there’s a sweet treat around every corner. Just remember to choose quality over quantity.   Skip the timbits, or cookies someone brought in at the office, and save yourself for something else.  We should not deny ourselves treats, but it’s important to hold yourself accountable and practice good digestive habits during the holidays. You know how many parties you’re going to, so plan your desserts accordingly.

Holiday digestive support

Take a daily probiotic. This is a great way to support your immune system through the holidays and digest the food consumed during the season. Probiotics help fight off bad bacteria and promote the growth of healthy bacteria which again, supports digestion and the immune system. Taking digestive enzymes may also help your body digest meals that are larger than you’re used to consuming. Pop in to Vitalife and grab a bottle of our specially formulated “Bacillus Coagulans”.

Don’t skip breakfast!

Skipping breakfast because you overindulged the night before can lead to blood sugar imbalances that fuel sugar cravings. This is the last thing you want when there’s a festive sweet treat everywhere you go. Even if you’re not hungry, have something light, and bring some fruit with you to keep you satisfied until lunch. This will prevent blood sugar crashes and keep you eating healthy and energized throughout the day and the entire holiday season.

Our Vitalife Team wishes you and your family a happy and healthy holiday and a very Merry Christmas! Now go and have some fun!

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Improving Gut Health Wed, 10 Jul 2024 01:24:40 +0000 Gut health and the immune system Have you ever had a ‘gut instinct’ about something? This isn’t just referring to your intuition. Improving gut health starts with choosing the right foods, and taking a good look at your colon health – the epicenter of your entire well-being. Did you know that approximately 70% of your immune system is actually inside your gut? Since our overall health and well-being is largely dependent on the health of our immune system, it should make sense to optimize our gut health.  Too busy to eat We can’t blame all of our digestion problems on ultra-processed foods. We’ve also lost many of our mindful habits around eating, and our lifestyles may be working against us when it comes to digestive health. Modern-day living makes us work harder and faster, and […]

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Gut health and the immune system

Have you ever had a ‘gut instinct’ about something? This isn’t just referring to your intuition. Improving gut health starts with choosing the right foods, and taking a good look at your colon health – the epicenter of your entire well-being. Did you know that approximately 70% of your immune system is actually inside your gut? Since our overall health and well-being is largely dependent on the health of our immune system, it should make sense to optimize our gut health. 

Too busy to eat

We can’t blame all of our digestion problems on ultra-processed foods. We’ve also lost many of our mindful habits around eating, and our lifestyles may be working against us when it comes to digestive health.

Modern-day living makes us work harder and faster, and eating just becomes something that gets in the way. We eat while we’re driving. While we’re busy typing away on our computers. We grab and go, or order in more often than not.

Ultra-processed foods fill a need for convenience, and the companies that make them have engineered ingredients to have the very flavors—particularly salty and sweet—plus textures, smells, and colors that appeal to our first phase of digestion – The Cephalic Phase.

Research shows these truths about ultra-processed food:

  • It is as addictive as cigarettes and cocaine, according to a 2020 article in Nutrients.
  • We are eating more and more of it. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2022.
  • It can change the way our cephalic system operates. A January 2024 study in Molecular Metabolism found that a short-term highly processed diet negatively affected smell, brain responses to smell, biochemistry in the nasal mucosa and the brain, and brain glucose metabolism in mice.

“Even short periods of highly processed food consumption are sufficient to cause early olfactory and brain abnormalities, which has the potential to alter food choices and influence the risk of developing metabolic disease,” the study concluded.

Cephalic System Manipulation

A 2020 paper in Appetite concluded that cephalic-phase responses—our thoughts included—can power not only digestive functions but also metabolic ones due to their ability to release insulin.

Merely talking about food can trigger the release of insulin before food is consumed, and that can lead to poor food choices. We are disconnected from what our bodies actually need because of foods that deviate from what is found in nature. Because of this, we may need to reset our taste buds because of overstimulation and desensitization.

We can recalibrate the cephalic system to natural flavors by adding in 10 percent of a new flavor or food to each meal and then working up gradually. It’s like”micro-dosing” whole foods.

Gut-brain connection

Gut-Brain connection

Your gut and your brain are connected through a complex system of hormones and neurotransmitters that constantly send information back and forth. Boosting the health of our gut doesn’t just impact our immune system, it has an impact on our mental health as well.

Advice for boosting gut health

  1. Keep it clean! Keeping your gut clean and clear of toxins is #1 in our books. Regular colon cleanses are a great way to do that. What? Clean my colon? Yes…please do. Just like you clean your teeth. Plaque builds up overtime, making it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients and flush out toxins. When you take care of your gut, you’re taking care of your whole body.
  2. Take a probiotic supplement. Taking a daily dose of healthy bacteria will help keep the bad bacteria at bay and prevent them from taking over. This protects your body by boosting the health of the immune system and strengthening its defenses against pathogens. In addition, good bacteria will help you digest food, absorb nutrients from food, and reduce indigestion. Eating fermented whole foods like sauerkraut, kefir, etc., also have the same effect.
  3. Eat more fiber. Eating fiber not only helps keep you regular – which is important for daily detoxification – but fiber also feeds the good bacteria in your gut. This is important as it helps keep the good bacteria flourishing while making the environment for bad bacteria less attractive. My favorite way to get a good fiber punch is to take 1 teaspoon of psyllium husk or powder in 250 ml warm water first thing in the morning – not in your smoothie or on top of your cereal… all by itself!
  4. Eliminate refined sugars. Refined anything is toxic to your gut as it feeds the bad bacteria. This causes bad bacteria to proliferate and overpower the good bacteria. When this happens, the body’s defenses are weakened and the immune function is suppressed. This also causes a major spike and subsequent crash in blood sugar that triggers hormonal releases further impairing function of the GI tract.
  5. Hydration and lubrication. Your gut needs water and oil to keep waste and toxins flowing. Insufficient water intake can result in constipation which leads to a buildup of toxins in the GI tract. Hydration is also important for nourishing all cells of the body and keeps them strong and healthy.  Healthy fats, such as: olive oil, coconut oil, wild salmon, walnuts, pumpkin seeds among others,  are full of good fats/oils and will help lubricate your pipes and move that stool along.

You can also be more mindful when experiencing cravings, pausing to consider whether you are experiencing hunger pain, if you are thirsty, or if something else is going on. The wonderful thing about the cephalic phase of digestion is that it offers a lot of opportunities to improve gut health.

What else can you do?

Reduce Stress

I know. Harder than it sounds. But our gut and brain are intimately connected and when we feel stressed or anxious, the hormones released from the brain directly impact gut function. Constipation and diarrhea are common gastrointestinal symptoms associated with stress.


Breath is also a fantastic way to control the nervous system. If you take two long, deep breaths every time you sit down to eat, this can have a more positive effect on what you feel like after eating.


Exercise and Gratitude

Exercise is very important for gut and overall health. 20 minutes of activity daily can make all the difference. It improves circulation, elimination, relieves stress, and gives you an overall sense of well-being. Without movement, our bodies can’t regulate anything. So, if you’re not exercising at all, please start slowly. 10 minutes is better than no minutes!

Other suggestions include saying a prayer or expressing gratitude before eating, or try practicing regular stress relief activities like meditation or yoga.


Getting the right amount of sleep is an integral part of keeping the gut healthy and happy. A lack of sleep or interrupted sleep can result in many negative outcomes. The longer you go without a good nights sleep, the more likely you are to have digestive issues. Consistency is also a factor. Sleep patterns, like eating patterns should be as consistent as possible. There is still a lot we don’t know about whether sleep affects digestion, or if digestion affects sleep – but either way, we do know it’s a two-way street!

Balance and Control

  • Don’t bring foods in your house that you really don’t want to eat. If it’s in the house, you will find some reason to eat it.
  • Don’t let the pendulum swing so far that you aren’t enjoying your life, avoiding all temptation, or never socializing. If you’re living half a life, that’s not healthy either.

Find the balance! Balance is found when we create habits that serve our desired outcome. You may have to think a bit on this one… it’s different for everybody.

Be diligent and responsible about the food you eat based on what motivates you. “I want to live a long, healthy life. Be a part of my kids’ lives. Live a functional, happy life as I age.”

Implement a few… or all of these recommendations to improve your overall health. You can do it… it’s just a choice after all.

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Preparing for a colonoscopy Sun, 23 Jun 2024 13:25:57 +0000 3-Day Colon Cleanse for Colonoscopy Prep Preparing for a colonoscopy is key if you want your best results. Don’t cut corners! Prep is broken up in two parts generally: 48 hours prior – a change in your diet is recommended, and 12 hours prior – you are required to take oral laxatives in pill and liquid form. 48 hours prior Start eating a low-fiber diet. NO whole grains, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, raw fruits, or vegetables. 12 – 24 hours prior Don’t eat solid foods. Consume only clear liquids like clear broth or bouillon, black coffee or tea, water as instructed. Anything solid in this timeframe will hinder the results of your colonoscopy. This video shows what you will experience. What does a colonoscopy look for? Most colonoscopies are done for the purpose of cancer […]

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3-Day Colon Cleanse for Colonoscopy Prep

Preparing for a colonoscopy is key if you want your best results. Don’t cut corners! Prep is broken up in two parts generally: 48 hours prior – a change in your diet is recommended, and 12 hours prior – you are required to take oral laxatives in pill and liquid form.

48 hours prior

Start eating a low-fiber diet. NO whole grains, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, raw fruits, or vegetables.

12 – 24 hours prior

Don’t eat solid foods. Consume only clear liquids like clear broth or bouillon, black coffee or tea, water as instructed. Anything solid in this timeframe will hinder the results of your colonoscopy.

This video shows what you will experience.

What does a colonoscopy look for?

Most colonoscopies are done for the purpose of cancer screening. However, they are also used to look for and monitor diseases such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticular disease or diverticulitis.

Potential risks

In general, colonoscopies are safe. Rare complications can include:

  • Bleeding: if a polyp or tissue was taken during the procedure, bleeding may occur and cauterization will be used to stop it.
  • Perforation: a perforation of the intestinal wall may occur during a colonoscopy. Large ones may require hospitalization or surgery.
  • Reaction to anesthesia: each individual reacts differently when it happens. If you have a history of reacting to anesthesia.

Colon cleansing before your colonoscopy

If you are considering using colon hydrotherapy to pre-cleanse your colon before your scheduled colonoscopy, we recommend starting 5 days before your scheduled appointment.

For the best outcome, count backwards from your colonoscopy appointment and schedule 2-3 colon cleanse treatments every other day. Your last colonic should be scheduled close to starting your colonoscopy prep. (For example: If your colonoscopy is scheduled for the 13th of the month, you should schedule your colonics for the 12th, 10th, and 8th of the month.

To make a bad-tasting liquid prep easier to swallow, try one or more of the following: 

  • add some ginger or lime;
  • drink it chilled;
  • drink it through a straw placed far back on your tongue;
  • hold your nose and drink it as quickly as possible;
  • suck on a lemon slice after you finish each glass;
  • or simply hold a lemon or lime under your nose while you drink.

The day of the colonoscopy procedure 

Clear liquids only. Don’t eat or drink anything 2-4 hours before the procedure.

Take something with you to your appointment like a banana or a protein shake that you can have afterwards. You may feel a little tired and likely a bit weak afterwards, so having a healthy snack once you recover is a good idea.

Post colonoscopy

Please ask for a copy of your results including the diagram of your colon and treatment notes from the Dr. performing the colonoscopy. This is your guideline and is extremely useful when planning any future colon care therapies.


If polyps were present and removed during your colonoscopy, it is important to ask or have the Dr. show you on a diagram, where they were and how many were removed. Polyps are an indication of toxification and blockages in the colon wall. Our treatments at Vitalife focus heavily on cleaning the soft tissue of the colon wall. This is where toxins get lodged and removing doesn’t happen overnight. Removing poop is just scratching the surface. Cleaning soft tissue takes time and a commitment from you.

Still have questions?

Speak to your Vitalife Therapist about your preparation. Prep solutions prescribed may include, Peglyte, GoLytely, Colyte and Klean-Prep. These kits usually consist of a container with a powdered mixture, to which you add four litres of water to form the solution. You then drink the concoction over a period of several hours on the day before your colonoscopy.

Also, remember to drink lots of liquid following your appointment, as some people do have issues with dehydration following this procedure. A follow up colonic can re-hydrate the colon or you can purchase one of many electrolyte formulas available at the drugstore or a nearby health food store.

Good luck, good prep and congrats on booking your colonoscopy! Early detection is key for living a long and healthy life.

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Immune-Gut Connection Sun, 16 Jun 2024 17:07:33 +0000 Immune-Gut Connection Did you know that a significant portion of the immune system is located in the gut? Approximately 70-80% of the body’s immune cells reside in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). GALT includes structures like Peyer’s patches, isolated lymphoid follicles, the Appendix, and other lymphoid aggregates. This extensive network plays a critical role in defending the body against pathogens ingested with food, maintaining tolerance to beneficial microbes and dietary antigens, and regulating systemic immune responses. What does this mean? We’re glad you’re asking. Essentially the immune system’s job is to recognize what enters the body. What is this? Is it safe, whole, real? Does the body recognize it or not? Either way, the immune system will activate and initiate an immune response. If unrecognizable, the immune response causes inflammation in the body, something we […]

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Immune-Gut Connection

Did you know that a significant portion of the immune system is located in the gut? Approximately 70-80% of the body’s immune cells reside in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). GALT includes structures like Peyer’s patches, isolated lymphoid follicles, the Appendix, and other lymphoid aggregates. This extensive network plays a critical role in defending the body against pathogens ingested with food, maintaining tolerance to beneficial microbes and dietary antigens, and regulating systemic immune responses.

What does this mean?

We’re glad you’re asking. Essentially the immune system’s job is to recognize what enters the body. What is this? Is it safe, whole, real? Does the body recognize it or not? Either way, the immune system will activate and initiate an immune response.

If unrecognizable, the immune response causes inflammation in the body, something we should try to minimize. Too much inflammation can be an initiator of many health complications. Some of them life long chronic health issues.

It is important to understand the processes in your body and how food choices can cause inflammatory responses. There are different factors that can evoke an inflammatory immune response. See below.


Dysbiosis: An imbalance of ‘good’ to ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut. Whereby, bad bacteria present is higher than good bacteria. To keep the ‘good’ guys in check, consumption of fermented foods are a good option to keep balance in the gut, along with limiting the consumption of junk food (processed, refined, trans fat, and sugary foods).

Leaky Gut

An overused term, but a very common diagnosis these days. With the world we live in today leaky gut is a frequent flyer for a lot of us. Leaky gut is just what it sounds like, the lining of the intestine becomes extremely permeable and allows the free flow of toxins back and forth causing inflammation. Managing your food choices is first and foremost for repairing the gut and the immune-gut connection.


Surprise, surprise! What you eat directly reflects what happens inside your body. What your body uses and what your body stores. Whole foods rich in vitamins and minerals are recognized by the body. Processed and refined foods send our body systems into a frenzy. Our understanding of what happens when junk enters our bodies can make a huge difference in our health.

There’s no doubt about it that this is a process that takes time and patience.

Maintaining a healthy gut-immune connection involves several strategies that promote a balanced gut microbiome and overall gut health. Here are some key approaches:

High Fiber foods – Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. These foods feed beneficial gut bacteria. You don’t eat these things? Try microdosing whole and fermented foods. This is a great way to start slowly changing your gut microbiota for the better and begin healing and balancing your immune-gut connection. You don’t need much, just start with some!

Probiotics – Consume fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso, which contain live beneficial bacteria. Microdosing whole and fermented foods can increase good bacteria levels in your gut. Start small and work your way up.

Prebiotics – Eat prebiotic-rich foods like garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, bananas, and chicory root, which nourish good bacteria.

Limit processed, fried and added sugar foods – High sugar and processed foods promote the growth of harmful bacteria and cause inflammation. DO NOT take fruit out of your diet. Fruit is whole food. It does not contain added sugar. It is naturally occuring. This is good for your body.

Balanced lifestyle

  • Hydrate – Drink plenty of water to help with digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Regular exercise – Physical activity promotes a diverse and healthy gut microbiome.
  • Sleep! A good night’s sleep supports overall health and a balanced immune system. Sleep is a healer!
  • Manage Stress – Chronic stress can negatively affect gut health. Practice relaxation techniques like, putting down your devices, reading a book, breathing exercises, or taking part in an art class.
  • Avoid unnecessary Antibiotics – Overuse of antibiotics can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria. Only use antibiotics if absolutely necessary!
  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol use. Both smoking and alcohol use harm the gut lining and disrupt balance in gut bacteria.
  • Maintain a healthy weight – Which shouldn’t be difficult if you follow the points above. Obesity is linked to a less diverse gut microbiome and increased inflammation.
  • Get regular check-ups, and keep your colon clean – Regular health check-ups can help detect and manage any underlying conditions that might affect gut health, and keeping your colon clean helps you avoid over toxification.

The result of bad lifestyle choices can literally be deadly. It’s always your choice how you take care of your body. At Vitalife, we will guide you, but never force you to make better choices. Our Team at Vitalife have all been where you are…, but without your full participation, getting better and feeling better isn’t possible. We urge you to make one good choice today and book your “first timer” session.

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Grumpy Gut? Sun, 21 Apr 2024 14:11:48 +0000 Bloating? Belching? Constipation? Cramping? Diarrhea? Does this sound like you? All of these things are triggered by your digestive system. They may seem normal to you – BUT – they are actually signs from your body that your gut is grumpy! Signals to you asking for attention, support, a little TLC if you will. We very often confuse body symptoms for what we think is our normal. Bloating, belching, constipation, cramping, and diarrhea are NOT NORMAL! Gut feeling grumpy? Our digestive systems are an intricate network of pathways directly affected by everything we put in our mouths, which means that we should only be putting things in that the body can digest. More specifically, we should not make a regular habit of eating processed, fried, or sugar laden foods. Good gut health is essential for […]

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Bloating? Belching? Constipation? Cramping? Diarrhea?

Does this sound like you? All of these things are triggered by your digestive system. They may seem normal to you – BUT – they are actually signs from your body that your gut is grumpy! Signals to you asking for attention, support, a little TLC if you will. We very often confuse body symptoms for what we think is our normal. Bloating, belching, constipation, cramping, and diarrhea are NOT NORMAL!

Gut feeling grumpy?

Our digestive systems are an intricate network of pathways directly affected by everything we put in our mouths, which means that we should only be putting things in that the body can digest. More specifically, we should not make a regular habit of eating processed, fried, or sugar laden foods.

Good gut health is essential for overall well-being and plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system, digestive system, and even good mental health. The gut, also known as the gastrointestinal tract, is home to trillions of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms collectively known as the gut microbiota. These microorganisms play a vital role in various physiological functions, such as breaking down food, producing essential nutrients, and protecting against harmful pathogens.

To promote good gut health, it is important to maintain a diverse and balanced gut microbiota. This can be achieved through a combination of dietary and lifestyle factors. Consuming a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fermented foods can help nourish beneficial gut bacteria and promote a healthy gut environment. Probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt, kefir, and kimchi, can also help introduce beneficial bacteria into the gut.

In addition to diet, regular physical activity and managing stress levels are also important for gut health. Exercise has a positive impact on gut microbiota diversity and composition, while chronic stress can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria and contribute to gastrointestinal issues. Stress? Yes! Stress can strangle our elimination pathways leading to poor absorption, disruption of the gut microbiota and eventually chronic disease. More detail below.

Avoiding excessive use of antibiotics and unnecessary medications, as well as limiting intake of processed and sugary foods, and artificial sweeteners, can also increase healthy gut microbiota. It is important to listen to your body and pay attention to any digestive symptoms or changes, as they may indicate an imbalance in gut health.

Imbalanced Gut Flora

Too many of the bad bugs and not enough good bugs. Yes! We said bugs. Our guts are full of them. We are essentially a garden, full of life, living microbiota. So learning how to control the flow of these bugs is the key to solving problems in the digestive system. Unfortunately, good bacteria can easily be hindered and as a result need regular replenishment. So, again, AVOID refined and processed foods, limit alcohol intake, and don’t do drugs (even recreationally) and you will soon see results.


We can’t “stress” enough here… if there’s one thing that can wipe your guts dry of everything beneficial (the good bugs) it’s stress! Our high-paced, productivity driven, gotta have this right now society guarantees this. There are a lot of things that we can’t control in our day to day lives that are responsible for increasing our stress levels – heavy traffic, high demands at work or home, kids, activities, etc. – BUT we do have a say in how we react to and process these stressors. Try stress reduction techniques like daily exercise, going to bed earlier, fermented foods, and probiotics.

Food – Allergies, Sensitivities, Intolerances

Talk about causing some serious havoc in your gut. Food allergies, sensitivities, or intolerances can cause ALL of the signs and symptoms mentioned above. That being said, sometimes the reaction can be very subtle. Easiest way to find out if you’re having issues with food? Try an elimination diet or have a food sensitivity test done. Don’t consume the foods that you know upset your gut – even if that food item is a favourite. Your gut will thank you for it, and once you clean up your gut flora, you can eat those faves again.

Feeling anxious, can’t concentrate, angry all the time?

A story all it’s own, but balancing gut microbiota can have a massive, positive impact on these things as well.

Treat your gut well. The gut is called the second brain for a reason. What happens in the gut is a very good indication of what happens system wide!

Prioritizing good gut health through a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, stress management, and mindful lifestyle choices can help support a thriving gut microbiota and promote overall well-being. Remember, a healthy, happy gut makes for a much happier and healthier you!

The post Grumpy Gut? appeared first on Colon Hydrotherapy Toronto - Vitalife.

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