Booking your appointment
View and book through our schedule ONLINE or send us an email to Questions are always welcome and we will respond daily during business hours.
Be sure to fill out your intake form online BEFORE you visit us. This is essential, so we are prepared for your visit. If you have difficulty with the online form, you can arrive early and fill one out in person.
First Visit?
Preparing for your first visit is key. CLICK here for tips on how to prepare for your colonic.
Location – click for map
Address: 2251A Queen St. E, Toronto, ON, M4E 1G3
Phone: 416-849-0004

CAR: Always check Google Maps for the fastest route. There is so much construction in this city, you just never know how long the drive will take you.
TTC: Bloor/Danforth Line East to Main Station, take the 64 bus south to Queen St. Walk 1 block East. We are on the SE corner of Queen St and Hammersmith Ave., underneath Pizzaiolo.
UBER / LIFT: Please tell the driver to punch in 2253 Queen St. East. Easier to find it with that address.
From the West – Gardiner East to Jarvis. Follow Lakeshore Blvd East to Woodbine and Queen St. Turn right onto Queen St. East. We are 7 blocks East of Woodbine Ave. on the S/E corner of Queen St. and Hammersmith Ave.
From the East – 401 to Victoria Park Ave South exit. Follow Victoria Park Ave south to Queen St. Follow Queen St West towards Hammersmith Ave.
From the North – 400 or 404 South to 401 East. Take the Victoria Park exit. Follow Victoria Park Ave south to Queen St. Follow Queen St West towards Hammersmith Ave.

Open BY APPOINTMENT ONLY – Monday to Saturday / CLOSED Sundays and holidays.
Emergency or need to cancel last minute? Email us at
NOTE: If you have an emergency, we will try our best to accommodate you after hours. Emergency visits are subject to an additional fee of $50.
Leave us a Review
Reviews help us build our business, but more importantly, they keep us on track. We appreciate feedback from our clients so that we can address things that may need attention.
Google reviews: Our reviews are not edited or payed for. Our 4.8 Google rating is the highest natural rating you can achieve without a paid contract w/Google.
Missed appointments / late cancellations?
“Sh…t” happens here at the clinic and in our lives. Missing or cancelling an appointment is understood, but when possible, 24 hours notice of cancellation helps so we have time to refill your space.

Missed appointments and day-of cancellations are subject to a charge of 50% of the regular visit fee.
Cleaning Protocols
We always keep strict health standards for sanitation in our clinic. We keep you safe and give you results at the same time.