1 – Improve digestion and relieve constipation
We bet you aren’t surprised with our number one pick! Impaired digestion can result in retention of waste that should be leaving our body. This retention can cause a number of disruptions, disturbances, and imbalances. Colon hydrotherapy helps to prevent buildup of waste by clearing fecal matter and building muscle tone in the colon.

2- Improve immune system health
Approximately 70% of our immune support is inside the digestive tract. We need a healthy balance of good bacteria in order to keep the bad bacteria at bay. A poorly functioning colon creates an environment where bad bacteria flourishes and this suppresses our immune system. A colon cleanse removes the buildup of harmful bacteria and creates an environment where healthy bacteria can grow. Supporting our immune system by elimination through colon hydrotherapy, heals the internal state of the body. As a result, our immune system gets stronger and fights off illness.
3 – Weight loss
Who would have thought? One of the factors preventing weight loss is due to waste build up in the colon. The colon can hold a significant amount of waste. This waste can easily become stored in the colon if our diet is not optimal. Colon hydrotherapy helps loosen old waste from the colon and in turn, brings inflammation down and aids in weight loss!
4 – Improved mood and increased energy
The nerves in your colon communicate with your brain and vice versa. When the colon is clean, neurotransmitter activity is increased and sent to the brain, having a positive impact on mood. In addition, a backed up colon requires energy from the body to try and clear it out. When the colon is cleansed, freed up energy travels through the body to the brain increasing energy and improving mood.
5 – Glowing skin
Who doesn’t want glowing skin all year round’? Due to the detoxifying nature of colon hydrotherapy, an abundance of toxins get pulled out from the body. Toxicity within the body presents itself on the skin. A good, clean colon releases toxicity within the body, thereby clearing up your skin!
Other factors that can improve colon health
Watch What You Eat
Your food choices have the greatest impact on colon health, can lower your risk of colon cancer and enhance your overall health.
High fiber foods
Increasing both soluble and insoluble fiber can help with a wide range of gastrointestinal problems, including constipation, diverticular disease, and colorectal cancer. Typically, we consume about 15 grams of fiber a day, but you really should be getting closer to 30 grams.
If you have no gluten issues, add both insoluble, and soluable fiber.
Drink more water
Drink plenty of water and other fluids, keeping alcohol to a minimum.
Things to avoid
Keep away from tobacco and limit your intake of red meat. Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals (difficult for the body to release) and at least 69 of them cause cancer. High intake of red meats increases your chances of developing colon cancer.
Early detection and screening
Get screened for colon cancer beginning at age 40. Most doctors won’t screen you until you’re 50 unless you have a family history. But family history starts somewhere… and it could start with you. Early detection is key.
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